
Cut-scenes callbacks and function

Called right before the cut-scene code is called.
This function is responsible for changing the input state and pausing any global threads.
It is very important that the input stack matches when the cut-scene ends. You can turn the cursor/input on and off during a cut-scene, but if you do a INPUT_PUSH be sure you do a matching INPUT_POP before the end.
Starting a Yack conversation in a cutscene is OK, but it needs to end before the cutscene ends. If a cutscene is started in a Yack conversation, the Yack converation will abruptly end. If an override is triggered during a Yack conversation in a cutscene the Yack will be abruptly end.
Called after the cutscene code has been stopped.
This function is responsible for changing the input state and unpausing any global threads and returning the camera and resetting any UI.
If override code is defined, this is called after the override code has finished.
Called after the cutscene is overriden.
state is true if there is override code and false if there is not.
The callback _endCutscene() will happen once the override is done.
Starts a cut-scene with an option override function.
cutscene(@{ ... }, @{ ... })
If a cutscene() is started from within a startYack(), the yack will immediately end (with no error).
Yack conversations can be started in a cutscene. If an override is triggered during a Yack conversation in a cutscene the Yack will be killed.
Returns true or false if there is a cutscene running.
Causes the override code to be called.
It is OK to call this function at the end of cutscene body to force clean-up code that will run when the cutscene would end normally. It should appear at the very end since code will continune to be executed after the cutsceneDoOverride().